Deep in the Dragon’s Belly: A Visit Inside a Silver Refinery
I recently returned from a trip to Mexico, where I checked out a silver mine.
I’m a big believer that “boots on the ground” beat a fancy suit every time. That is, I find checking things out in person helps me determine if a company really has something worth investing in.
Here are four reasons why... Read the Rest
If you’re looking for weapons of mass destruction, then look no further than the oil war raging between the U.S. and the oil sheikhs of OPEC. The war has hit a lull… for now. Oil prices are stuck in a range… for now.
But there are forces afoot that could open a new front in the oil war, and send prices careening lower until someone cries “Uncle!”
The good news is that there are potentially extraordinary opportunities for shrewd investors. Read the Rest
Note: By the way, in that column I recommend oil tankers. Showing that great minds think alike, the Wall Street Journal's Christian Berthelsen wrote on the the same idea on the same day, and he has some nice charts, too. Read that story HERE.